November, 2021
The Energy Law Group members Oppenheim and Asters will co-host an online event on November 17, 2021, 11:00-14:00 EET
The European Union is set for a fast transition to a sustainable energy system. The latest “Fit for 55” legislation package sets a 55 percent greenhouse gas reduction target by 2030. The proposed changes will have a major impact on the national policies across Europe and provide new opportunities for investors in renewable energy.
While Hungary has one of the lowest shares of renewables penetration among EU member states, the country has already begun its shift to clean energy, in particular with advancements in solar and biomass energy.
To help renewable energy companies get firsthand overview on the renewable energy market in Hungary, GetMarket platform together with CEENERGYNEWS portal and the top consulting firms will host an online event. During the webinar you will have an opportunity to hear the speakers and ask your questions on the topic.
The speakers will share their views on key features of the RES market in Hungary:
– Bird’s eye view on the market structure
– National energy strategy. Integration into European and global frameworks
– State support schemes
– Attractive segments for investments
– Financing for the renewable projects
– Regulatory base for the renewable energy
– Grid connection issues
– Hydrogen industry perspectives
– Gergely Légrádi, Partner, Attorney-at-law at Oppenheim Law Firm
– Dávid Hanis, Principal associate, Attorney-at-law at Oppenheim Law Firm
– Laszlo Szabo, Director at Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK)
– Pál Sagvari, Vice President for International Affairs, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority
– KPMG Hungary, TBC
Maksym Babaiev, CEO at GetMarket Platform
Claudia Patricolo, Editor-in-chief at CEENERGYNEWS
Date: November 17, 2021, 11:00-14:00 EET
Location: online via Zoom
Event language: English
Translation will not be available for this event
Participation fee: 50 EUR or 1500 UAH
Registration and details via link