ELGs‘ highly regarded water specialists have a long track record in advising the water sector on a wide range of regulatory issues and major international water projects, in particular in the context of privatisation, concession and contractual rights.
Rapid regulatory developments in the energy sector throughout the region ensure that our energy specialists are continually providing pioneering advice. The members of the ELG apply their industry knowledge in the electricity sector when advising clients on the development, financing, construction and operation of power and utilities projects.
The global power sector has been defined in recent years by the rapid growth of renewable energy. The sector is experiencing an increased amount of investment, particularly in wind, solar and biomass.
Our highly regarded oil and gas specialists combine extensive sector knowledge with exceptional M&A, capital markets, finance, share incentives, projects, litigation and regulatory expertise to deliver an integrated service to their clients.
Our mining experts have long-standing relationships with some of the world’s largest mining and mineral companies and extensive experience advising on mining and minerals transactions and projects around the world.
Examples of our experience
Advising GAMESA as a consortium member in relation with the ONEE’s 850 MW of five wind farms in Morocco.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Advising a French renewable energy fund in the acquisition of shares in Italian companies involved in the structuring, development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects from different sources.
(Ughi e Nunziante, ELG member Italy)
Advising a French listed Group in relation to the implementation of a solar parc in Mali.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Advice and assisting a French company on the implementation of solar farms projects in France.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Advising a French company regarding a solar plant project in France.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Assisting the senior lenders in connection with the financing of an acquisition of 40% of the partnership interests in Fosen Vind DA, Europe’s largest onshore wind power project.
(Wiersholm, ELG member Norway)
Assisting Fortum in Fortum’s divestment of its Tohkoja preconstruction stage wind power project to wpd europe GmbH (maximum capacity 26 turbines/83 MW).
(Hannes Snellman, ELG member Finland)
Advising Swedish insurance company Folksam on its investment in the PWP wind farm project (together with Proventus and the Wallenberg foundation FAM).
(HAMMARSKIÖLD & CO, ELG member Sweden)
Acting for First Solar in connection with its proposed solar power generation project in Jordan.
(Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants, ELG member Jordan)
Advising a European renewable energy fund in the acquisition of shares in Italian companies involved in the structuring, development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects from biomasses plants.
(Ughi e Nunziante, ELG member Italy)
Advising Energia Renewables on the development and financing of the 95MW Meenadreen Extension Windfarm, the largest Windfarm to reach financial close in Ireland.
(Arthur Cox, ELG member Ireland)
Advising ENEL GREEN POWER SA/ ENEL SPA as Greek counsel on an unparalleled size (171,8 MW) wind power project in Greece which will connect the wind farm on an island with the mainland electricity system via an underwater cable. Advised on the project financing of the wind farm against German banks, including the whole package of the project financing agreements (bond loan documentation) as well as on the EPC agreements for the park as well as the subsea cable, direct agreements, subsidies issues, electricity regulation issues, litigation and other matters.
(Zepos & Yannopoulos, ELG member Greece)
Acting for the lenders (EBRD and Proparco) in connection with the financing granted to three solar power projects (total 40MW) in Jordan that Scatec Solar is sponsoring – Transaction value of approximately US$100 million.
(Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants, ELG member Jordan)
Advising a leading Dutch wind power company in connection with the development of several wind farms projects in Italy.
(Ughi e Nunziante, ELG member Italy)
Advising DONG Energy A/S on sale of 50% stake in offshore wind farm Gode Wind 1 to Global Infrastructure Partners and on the structuring of the financing – issuance of the first non-recourse, investment grade, certified green bond dedicated to part finance an offshore wind farm asset under construction.
(Hengeler Mueller, ELG member Germany)
Advising Denham Capital on its investment in Fotowatio’s PV development projects in Spain, Australia, South Africa, France, India and Italy.
(Uría Menéndez, ELG member Spain)
Advising Covanta Energy on the development and financing of the €520M Dublin Waste to Energy PPP Project (Partnerships Awards: Energy/Waste/Water Project of the Year 2015).
(Arthur Cox, ELG member Ireland)
Advising Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) on investment in offshore wind farm Veja Mate (total project investment of €1.9bn comprising contributions of the investors and a “non-recourse” senior debt financing in an amount of €1.275m).
(Hengeler Mueller, ELG member Germany)
Advising ContourGlobal on its acquisition of an 800MW CCGT in Spain and on its acquisition of the first wind park projects in Peru.
(Uría Menéndez, ELG member Spain)
Advising the second largest Chinese wind turbines manufacturer in the negotiation of two supplies and EPC agreements related to two wind farms, for an overall capacity of more than 50MW.
(Ughi e Nunziante, ELG member Italy)
Assisting a Chinese energy company in a due diligence on 63 photovoltaic plants in Greece. Work included detailed advice on the new law on renewable feed in tariff, electricity regulation and legal framework as well as detailed review of all relevant documentation for each of the plants including leases, EPC and O&M and PPA contracts.
(Zepos & Yannopoulos, ELG member Greece)
Advising China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation (SINOSURE) in relation to: renewable energy legislation, potential investment arbitration and potential disputes arising out of PPAs.
(Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, ELG member Bulgaria)
Advising China Development Bank in relation to project financing of portfolios of solar PV power plants in Bulgaria, developed by Sky Solar and Chint Solar.
(Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, ELG member Bulgaria)
Acting for the Capital Bank of Jordan in connection with the financing granted to the 10MW solar power project sponsored by Philadelphia Solar – Transaction value of approximately US$20 million.
(Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants, ELG member Jordan)
Advising Bord Gais Energy on the development of the 87.5MW Knockacummer Windfarm.
(Arthur Cox, ELG member Ireland)
Advising BARD Engineering on the development of three offshore wind farms in the north of the Netherlands.
(De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, ELG member The Netherlands)
Advising the bank group on the financing of the 50MW Mayo Renewable Power High Efficiency Combined Heat and Power Project.
(Arthur Cox, ELG member Ireland)
Advising on the setting up of a joint venture between Austria’s largest electricity provider and distributor and the state-owned forests, Austria’s largest real estate owner. Purpose of the Joint Venture is a newly developed wind park in Styria – one of the largest ever built in Austria.
(Fiebinger Polak Leon & Partners, ELG member Austria)
Advising one of Austria’s largest real estate developers on an innovative heating and cooling system devised from solar, wind and regaining of heat from sewage in the construction of a 50.000 m2 real estate development of office towers, residential homes, hotel and a student hostel in Vienna/Austria.
(Fiebinger Polak Leon & Partners, ELG member Austria)
Assisting Arise Windpower AB in the Initial public offering on NASDAQ OMX Nordic. Value of the initial public offering amounted to SEK 680 million.
(Hannes Snellman, ELG member Finland)
Advising ANEMOS MAKEDONIAS SA AND PURENERGY SA on an arbitration against the EPC Contractor of a 38 MW wind farm in Greece. In addition, advice on regulatory and licensing matters of two wind and on State/EU subsidies matters in relation to the completion of the file of the project’s application to receive such subsidies.
(Zepos & Yannopoulos, ELG member Greece)
Advising and assisting a major American energy company regarding solar farms in France.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Advising Amarenco Solar Limited in relation to the incorporation of The Global Solar Income Funds plc and the acquisition of certain solar projects by the fund.
(Arthur Cox, ELG member Ireland)
Advising Swiss energy company Alpiq in relation to investments in and development of several onshore wind farm projects in Sweden.
(HAMMARSKIÖLD & CO, ELG member Sweden)
Advising French developer Akuo Energy on its investment in a 100 MW wind farm in Kovačica Municiplaity, Serbia.
(Karanović & Nikolić, ELG member Serbia)
Assisting Adven Group on the acquisition of Eco2 Energy, a Swedish company providing geothermal heating and cooling solutions that are entirely based on renewable technologies, by Adven Group.
(Hannes Snellman, ELG member Finland)
Acting for Adenium Capital in connection with their bid and financing of four solar PV facilities (50MW total) in Jordan – Transaction value of approximately US$118 million.
(Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants, ELG member Jordan)
Assisting EQT in the acquisition of Fortum Energiaratkaisut Oy and Fortum Termest AS by EQT Infrastructure from Fortum Corporation. Value EUR 200 million (2011).
(Hannes Snell-man, ELG member Finland)
Advising on the transposition of the European Union electricity legislation (including Third Energy Package) to the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, its effective implementation towards opening of the electricity market in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
(Valiunas Ellex, ELG member Lithuania)
Advising the European Union energy law services in regard to Kazakhstan company Sam-ruk – Kazyna – preparation of the study on improving the regulated industries (including energy) regulation, analysing the current regulation in Kazakhstan and providing the best European Union regulatory practices.
(Valiunas Ellex, ELG member Lithuania)
Advising on the acquisition by Enel Energy Europe of 100% of the share capital of Endesa Latinoamérica and 20.3% of the shares of Enersis, owned by Endesa.
(Uría Menéndez, ELG member Spain)
Advising Endesa on the EUR 6 billion spin-off of Endesa Latinoamérica’s business into a new holding company.
(Uría Menéndez, ELG member Spain)
Advising EirGrid plc in relation to the €150M Phase I Financing and €600M Phase II Financing of the 500MW HVDC East West Interconnector between Ireland and Great Britain.
(Arthur Cox, ELG member Ireland)
Legal assistance to a leading Danish energy company, in relation to the incorporation of an energy trading subsidiary and obtaining the required licenses, as well as extensive regulatory and corporate law advice with respect to the client’s contemplated energy trading activities.
(Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı, ELG member Turkey)
Advising ContourGlobal on the acquisition of Enel’s 908 MW lignite fired thermal power plant.
(Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, ELG member Bulgaria)
Representing a construction company in a dispute relating to the Swedish nuclear sector.
(HAMMARSKIÖLD & CO, ELG member Sweden)
Finnish Counsel to Clyde Blowers Capital in the acquisition of the fluid and power division of Textron Inc. by Clyde Blowers from Textron Inc. Value USD 1 billion.
(Hannes Snellman, ELG member Finland)
Advising the City of Belgrade and the IFC on the structuring of a PPP transaction for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of a waste management treatment and disposal center in Vinca, Serbia.
(Karanović & Nikolić, ELG member Serbia)
Advising Citibank and Raiffeisen Bank International on EUR 195 million bridge loan to Bulgarian Energy Holding.
(Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, ELG member Bulgaria)
Advising China Development Bank on the EUR 350 million financing of a concession project for the construction of the Stanari Thermal Power Plant in Doboj, Republic of Srpska and has conducted loan agreement negotiations with the Government of the Republic of Srpska and prepared local security package.
(Karanović & Nikolić, ELG member Serbia/Bosnia Herzegovina)
Representing ČEZ in relation to licences withdrawal proceedings initiated against its Bulgarian subsidiaries, ČEZ Distribution Bulgaria and ČEZ Electro Bulgaria, by the Bulgarian Energy Regulator.
(Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, ELG member Bulgaria)
Advising Centrica Plc on the EUR 72 million divestment of the electricity and gas customer supply business of Oxxio to Eneco.
(De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, ELG member The Netherlands)
Advising a Central Asian State on African Conventions on Mutual Legal Assistance of various African economic groups such as ECCAS, ECOWAS, EMCCA and OHADA.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Advising BNP Paribas, Morgan Stanley and SEB in connection with the IPO of the Infranet service provider Eltel.
(HAMMARSKIÖLD & CO, ELG member Sweden)
Advising APG on the acquisition and joint venture with Elecnor for power transmission business in Brazil and Chile.
(Uría Menéndez, ELG member Spain)
Being responsible for completing a due diligence investigation on behalf Akuo Energy and drafting transaction documentation.
(Karanović & Nikolić, ELG member Serbia)
Advising AES Kilroot Power Limited in connection with various facilities from Barclays Corporate in relation to the 520MW Kilroot Power Station.
(Arthur Cox, ELG member Ireland)
Assisting Adven Oy in the acquisition of Kuusamo combined heat and power plant by Adven Oy from Fortum Power and Heat Oy.
(Hannes Snellman, ELG member Finland)
Advising Acciona Group on a EUR 1.5 billion syndicated credit facility.
(Uría Menéndez, ELG member Spain)
Advising Abengoa on its strategic joint venture with EIG Global Energy Partners.
(Uría Menéndez, ELG member Spain)
Assisting 3i, Goldman Sachs and Ilmarinen in the acquisition of Vattenfall´s Finnish electricity distribution and district heat businesses by a consortium including 3i, Goldman Sachs and Ilmarinen. Value EUR 1.54 billion.
(Hannes Snellman, ELG member Finland)
Assisting the Libanese Petroleum Administration (Lebanon) in the drafting and negotiation of a framework agreement related to the joint development and exploitation of hydro-carbon reserves located between Lebanon and Cyprus, in relation to some unitization agreements to be signed with operators.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Advising Joma Industrial Source Corp. on acquisition of controlling stake and mandatory offer to shareholders of C.A.T.oil AG.
(Hengeler Mueller, ELG member Germany)
Assisting a major Italian industrial group in relation to various gas pipelines projects.
(Ughi e Nunziante, ELG member Italy)
Assisting an Italian EPC company working in the Oil&Gas field part of one of the major multinational companies.
(Ughi e Nunziante, ELG member Italy)
Representing private investors and their oil company in negotiations with the Government for the new investment agreement regarding development of the conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon exploration and production projects in Lithuania.
(Valiunas Ellex, ELG member Lithuania)
Advising a major international player on all matters pertaining to its participation to a com-pany, Gaztrade SA, which is aiming to construct and operate the first independent LNG gas terminal in Greece. The work included detailed due diligence of the project including advice on natural gas regulatory framework, on operation of LNG terminals, on application of the Third Energy Package obligations on third party access etc.
(Zepos & Yannopoulos, ELG member Greece)
Partners of Fiebinger Polak Leon & Partners regularly serve as Party Counsels and party appointed Arbitrators in numerous ICC arbitrations on long- term gas supply contracts, including price reviews and competition aspects. Currently the firm advises on the largest energy dispute pending in Austria today.
(Fiebinger Polak Leon & Partners, ELG member Aus-tria)
Advising HSBC as a lead arranger of a syndicate of lenders in relation to restructuring of project financing extended to Petroceltic (operating, among others, an off-shore gas exploration facility).
(Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, ELG member Bulgaria)
Acting as part of the Rothschild advisory group, represented the Government of Jordan in the privatization of the Central Electricity Generating Company (CEGCO) and two electricity distribution – Value in excess of US$250 Million.
(Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants, ELG member Jordan)
Advising government controlled LNG terminal operator on the overall matters in develo-pment of the LNG terminal (being floating storage and regasification unit) in Lithuania which is the first and by now the only LNG terminal project in the Baltics.
(Valiunas Ellex, ELG mem-ber Lithuania)
Advising GDF SUEZ on the EUR 2.6 billion divestment, together with E.On, of their 49% stake in Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a key gas operator in Slovakia.
(De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, ELG member The Netherlands)
Advising GdF on the natural gas regulatory matters.
(Zepos & Yannopoulos, ELG member Greece)
Legal advice to a leading natural gas, gasoline and LPG transportation company and its shareholders, in their proposed sale of a portion of company shares to a private equity fund.
(Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı, ELG member Turkey)
Assisting a gas producer on securing the renewal of its permits and on a gas-to-power project in Tunisia.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Advising on the restructuring of shareholder structure and long-term gas sourcing of three gas-fired power plants in France and Italy.
(Fiebinger Polak Leon & Partners, ELG member Austria)
Advising a foreign government on the possibility of developing a gassification plant in Italy originating from the foreign country.
(Ughi e Nunziante, ELG member Italy)
Acting for the Lenders in connection with the financing of the third independent power producer (IPP3).– Value approximately US$600 Million.
(Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants, ELG member Jordan)
Assisting a major European company for the drafting and negotiation of project documents for the construction of two sets of gas units.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Advising the experts’ pool for the European Commission for the services of legal, economic and technical assistance in the field of energy under the Multiple framework contract.
(Valiunas Ellex, ELG member Lithuania)
Advising E.ON AG on the sale of its gas transmission network operator (Open Grid Europe) handling around two-thirds of the annual gas consumption in Germany to a consortium around Macquarie (€3.2bn).
(Hengeler Mueller, ELG member Germany)
Advising Energetický a Prumyslový Holding on acquisition of 40% stake in Nafta (Slovak gas storage company) from E.ON SE.
(Hengeler Mueller, ELG member Germany)
Assisting ENCANA in the simplification of its international structure by merging asset and operations of the Swiss branches and by restructuring upstream financing.
(Wildgen, ELG member Luxembourg)
Advising ENCANA on the restructuring of its cash and intragroup financing activities via Luxembourg.
(Wildgen, ELG member Luxembourg)
Advising Electrabel on a dispute with Hitachi Power Europe, the EPCM contractor of the power block for Electrabel’s 800 MW new power plant at the Maasvlakte.
(De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, ELG member The Netherlands)
Representing Eesti Energia AS and Enefit in connection with the establishment of an oil shale fired power generation plant in Attarat, Um Ghadran, Jordan particularly in relation to the negotiations with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Natural Resources Authority, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the Standards and Metrology Organization… The scope of work includes drafting environmental regulations and instructions for the oil shale fired power generation industry. It also involves the review of the project documents to be entered into with the Government of Jordan and advising Eesti Energia AS and Enefit on the permits and licenses required for the implementation of the project. The Transaction value of approximately US$2 billion.
(Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants, ELG member Jordan)
Advising Edison (controlled by EDF as one of the sponsors to the offshore part of the South Stream gas pipeline project) in relation to the permitting process.
(Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, ELG member Bulgaria)
Advising the First State Investments (EDIF) on acquisition of Erdgasversorgungsgesellschaft Thüringen-Sachsen mbH (EVG) from E.ON and VNG and the subsequent reorganization of EVG.
(Hengeler Mueller, ELG member Germany)
Advising The Dutch government and UCN in relation to the Dutch stake in URENCO, following the exit plans of HMG/the UK Government and German shareholders E.On and RWE.
(De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, ELG member The Netherlands)
Advising a consortium on legal aspects for the construction of a new transmission line for transit of natural gas through Austria, including the preparation of an application for exemption as per Art 22 Directive 2003/55/EC.
(Fiebinger Polak Leon & Partners, ELG member Austria)
Advising Chevron in relation to gas exploration activities in Bulgaria.
(Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov, ELG member Bulgaria)
Advising China Investment Corporation (CIC), China’s sovereign wealth fund, on the EUR 2.3 billion acquisition of a 30% stake in GDF Suez’s global exploration and production division, GDF Suez E&P.
(De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, ELG member The Netherlands)
Legal advice to Boston Consulting Group, a management consulting firm, in connection with legal structures applied to oil and gas distribution and retail business in Turkey.
(Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı, ELG member Turkey)
Legal advice to BP in connection with the share purchase agreement, shareholders agreement and other project agreements concerning the corporate governance, management and operation of the TANAP Project Entity, which will operate the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline.
(Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı, ELG member Turkey)
Assisting an Australian investor in setting up an Italian structure dedicated to finding gas cultures.
(Ughi e Nunziante, ELG member Italy)
Advising Asia Sixth Energy on the acquisition of a 60% interest in Aral Petroleum Capital LLP (Aral). Aral is engaged in the exploration and development of certain oil and gas properties in Western Kazachstan.
(De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, ELG member The Nether-lands)
Assisting AIM-quoted Europa Oil & Gas plc in renewing and farming-out of its hydrocarbon research permits in France.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Representing AES Jordan in connection with its successful bid to, and negotiation with, the Government of Jordan regarding the first successful IPP in Jordan (IPP1). The firm also ad-vised the project company on the financing of the project and negotiation with lenders – Value approximately US$ 360 Million.
(Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants, ELG member Jordan)
Acting for AES in connection with the proposed expansion of its existing power generating plant in Jordan (IPP4).– Value approximately US$300 Million.
(Ali Sharif Zu’bi Advocates & Legal Consultants, ELG member Jordan)
Assisting Xstrata (Glencore plc) in relation to a major ore-mining project in Mauritania (3 billion €).
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Advising Vicat, a major French cement company, in a pending ICSID arbitration against Senegal.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Assisting a turn-key supplier of a nuclear power plant in its bids to and negotiations with Teollisuuden Voima (TVO) regarding its planned new Olkiluoto 4 nuclear power plant.
(Hannes Snellman, ELG member Finland)
Assistance to the largest gold producer in Russia in connection with a transaction involving the sale of all shares of its Romanian subsidiaries and various regulatory matters in the mining field.
(Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen, ELG member Romania)
Advising in relation to the merger between Kinross and Red Black Mining Inc. and the development of mining project of Tasiast (Mauritania) and related infrastructures.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)
Assisting a major French mining company on the setting up of a partnership to develop a mining project in Argentina.
(Jeantet, ELG member France)