May, 2022
GHR Rechtsanwälte is pleased to announce the election of Stephan A. Hofer to the firm’s partner-ship which became effective April 1, 2022.
Stephan A. Hofer joined GHR Rechtsanwälte in 2016 and specializes in corporate, contract and capital markets law. He regularly advises local and international clients on corporate formation and start-up matters as well as on M&A and restructuring transactions, including in a cross-border context. His practice also includes the representation of Swiss SMEs and public companies in data protection matters.
Prior to joining GHR Rechtsanwälte, Stephan A. Hofer gained experience as a specialist in the rep-resentation of investment funds in Switzerland with a leading Geneva-based representative for foreign investment funds and as a fund engineer with a leading Swiss fund management company in Basel. His work included advising clients on the approval (by the Swiss Financial Market Super-visory Authority FINMA) of domestic and foreign investment funds for both private placements and public distribution.