September, 2017

On 22 September 2017, the ELG held its 5th Energy Event at the Royal Castle in Warsaw (Poland).

The Energy Event brought together leading energy industry practitioners, regulators, bankers and lawyers from all over Europe and Arab countries who will attend to discuss some of the industry’s most compelling issues in a private and secluded environment.

  • Workshop 1: Renewables
  • Workshop 2: Energy Storage
  • Workshop 3: Pipelines and Gas Trading
  • Workshop 4: Energy and Mining Hot Topics in Africa and MENA
  • Workshop 5: Clean Energy Package


WORKSHOP 1: RENEWABLES, “3X3 renewables case studies

This workshop focuses on renewables and analyses three case studies in Europe. Case 1 deals with off shore wind projects in Northern Europe, notably the UK and the Dutch support mechanisms and the Danish tender model. Case 2 reviews solar projects in Southern Europe, including technical aspects such as power evacuation infrastructures for solar and wind farms, and related dispute-resolution issues, further to the surge in arbitration cases following the changes to the support mechanisms, especially in Spain and Italy. Finally, Case 3 studies renewables projects in Eastern Europe, with a focus in Ukraine.

Introduction by Leonid Ristev, Karanovic / nikolic, Serbia

Case#1 Off Shore Wind In Northern Europe

Case#2 Solar In Southern Europe/Africa

Case#3 Biomass/Wind In Eastern Europe/Africa

  • General Overview of Renewable Energy Regime in Ukraine and Recent Trends, Yaroslav Petrov, counsel at Asters Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Practical Aspects of Realization of the Renewable Energy Projects in Ukraine, Ms Maryna Hritsyshyna, manager of the legal department of WIND POWER LLC, Kyiv, Ukraine



A workshop to explore the ways energy storage (ES) can help make future, more flexible, energy markets work well and to identify regulatory and commercial mechanisms to make ES commercially viable. Aims are (i) to facilitate an informed and engaging discussion amongst interested industry representatives, including legal professionals and (ii) to identify key issues and recommendations to be included in a short paper to be written on behalf of delegates and submitted to the European institutions and other interested national decision makers.

Introduction, Chair: Peter Polak, Fiebinger Polak & Partner, Austria

The Customers’ Perspective: Discussion of impact ES may have on customer experiences and ability to engage with the markets

  • Overview of existing storage markets, recent changes and key current issues: emerging opportunities (e.g. EU 4th package support), common financing arrangements and commercial or regulatory barriers
  • Developments in Energy Storage Markets: NERA Economic Consulting
  • Gas Storage: Lessons from gas storage mediation on how contracts can enable market flexibility and deal cost effectively with change (duration of contracts, alternatives, pricing, change of circumstances, competition law)
  • The impacts of market changes on the pricing of flexibility of supply of natural gas in Europe: Peter Polak, Fiebinger Polak & Partner, Austria
  • Electricity Storage: Observations on regulatory and commercial approaches which ensure electricity ES can be used flexibly, secure commercial finance and so help fill different market gaps
  • Electricity Storage: John Grady, Shepherd & Wedderburn, Scotland

The Customers’ Perspective: Discussion of impact ES may have on customer experiences and ability to engage with the market



The 3rd workshop deals with pipelines & gas trading in a moving environment. What are the major changes which are taking place in Europe? In Eastern Europe, a focus is made on Ukraine and Turkey, with Ukraine now buying gas from Europe and Russia replacing Ukraine with Turkey as its new transport corridor. The effects of Brexit on the legal framework applicable to pipelines in Scotland, and generally on pipelines to/from the UK, is analysed.

Session#1, Chair: Yaroslav Petrov, Asters, Ukraine

  • General developments in gas trading in the region
  • Ukraine’s new position, now that it is buying gas from Europe
  • Implications of arbitral award rendered against Gazprom, in favor of Naftogaz
  • Unbundling of Naftogaz (Ukrainian oil & gas state monopoly), which includes ownership separation of GTS Operator UkrTransGaz.
  • Gas Market in Ukraine, Yaroslav Petrov, Ukraine

Session#2, Chair: Okan Demirkan, KDK, Turkey

  • How Turkish Stream will impact the region, now that Russia is apparently replacing Ukraine with Turkey as its new transport corridor
  • Is Turkey really becoming an energy hub?
  • Crude Oil and natural Gas pipelines in Turkey, Okan Demirkan, KDK, Turkey

Session#3, Chair: John Grady, Shepherd & Wedderburn, Scotland

  • Legal framework applicable to pipelines in Scotland, before and after Brexit
  • How Brexit will affect pipelines to / from the UK
  • Brexit and Pipelines, John Grady, Shepherd & Wedderburn



This workshop focuses on the challenges in renewables in the Middle East and Africa. Participants discuss the status of the energy and mining industries in these regions, where environmental concerns are not perceived as a priority, and where energy independence is often not an issue. What are its prospects? How to assess and manage risks for investments in the energy sector? How to finance and protect investments in the region? What are the effects of the sanctions to Qatar?

Introduction, Chair: Thierry Lauriol, Jeantet, France



On 30 November 2016 the European Commission presented “Clean Energy for All Europeans”, a package of measures designed to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition is changing global energy markets.  The Clean Energy Package is stated to have three main goals: putting energy efficiency first, achieving global leadership in renewable energies and providing a fair deal for consumers.  The purpose of this Workshop is to provide an overview of the proposals for the new and recast Directives and Regulations that comprise the Clean Energy Package and to examine key elements of the proposed measures.

Session#1, Chair: Alex McLean, Arthur Cox, Ireland

Session#2, Chair: Damien Verhoeven, Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick, Belgium


  • Capacity Mechanisms
  • Regulators’ Perspectives on the Clean Energy Package
  • Clean Energy for All Europeans’ Package:The Future for European Renewables
  • ENTSO-E Perspective on the Clean Energy Package
  • Clean Energy for all european
  • Devlopments in Energy Storage Markets
  • Electricity Storage
  • The impacts of market changes on the pricing of flexibility of supply of natural gas in Europe
  • Private Equity & African Junior Mining Sector
  • The emergence of community law and its impact on investments in the energy and mining sectors in Africa
  • Protection of Investments and Resource Nationalism
  • Socio legal challenges in the extractive industries Africa and the Middle East
  • Implications of Brexit for the Internal Energy Market
  • Blood minerals EU Regulation 2017 821
  • Feasibility study of a solar PV financial investment product in Spain
  • 5th Energy Event Juliette Fortin Energy and mining Africa 22092017
  • New Opportunities in Energy and Infrastructure in Turkey
  • UK Government Support Mechanisms for Offshore Wind Is it working
  • Subsidies Dutch offshore wind parks How low can you go
  • Danish Offshore Wind Tender Model
  • Offshore wind in the North and Baltic Sea – a case study
  • Brexit and Pipelines
  • Gas market in Ukraine
  • Crude Oil and Natural Gas Pipelines in Turkey
  • Dispute Funding Introduction
  • Energy and Mining Arbitration in Africa